D-Link IP Cameras for Business > DCS-4701E
Fixed file name for FTP snapshots
Page 40 and 41 of the above manual SEEMS TO IMPLY if one leaves the "Add date and time suffix to file" checkbox UNCHECKED, the camera will create snapshots with JUST THE FILE NAME PREFIX.
Does anyone have any experience with this?
This thread for a similar product seems to indicate a bug in the firmware:
I want to be able to upload a snapshot via FTP with the SAME FIXED FILE NAME so as to overwrite any existing snapshot.
If the 4701 is not capable of this, does D-Link offer an outdoor PoE camera that is?
I recommend that you phone contact your regional D-Link support office and ask for help and information regarding this. The US offers Chat support for consumer products at support.dlink.com. 24/7. We find that phone contact has better immediate results over using email.
Let us know how it goes please.
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