Firmware: v8.05 06 8/24/2013 EU Region Only!Revision Info:Problems Resolved:
1. Fixed the multiple security vulnerabilities.
- Solved the the the security issue in PPPoE account setting.
- Solved the the the security issue in administrator setting
- Solved the the the security issue for Ping function.
- Solved the issue that the issue that firmware upgrade cannot work , which is caused by FW805B01
(only FW8.05 has this FW upgrading issue)
- Solved the issue that ACL function can not work properly.
- Solved the issue that PPTP connection will cause device crash when DHCP lease time arrives.
2. Fixed the multiple security vulnerabilities.
- Command Injection (tools_vct.htm)
- Cross Site Scripting (adv_filters_url.htm)
- Cross Site Scripting (adv_ipv6_pppoe.htm)
- Cross Site Scripting (tools_ddns.htm)
- Cross Site Scripting (tools_email.htm)
3. Fixed the issue that when logging in with Chrome or Firefox browser Linux system, it will be failed to access into management page.
4. Fixed the issue that when logging in with Chrome or IE browser Windows system, it will be failed to access into management page.
5. Fixed the issue that sometimes changed settings can’t be applied in system via Firefox browser.
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EU Region Only!DIR-615 Follow this for updating:
FW Update ProcessNOTE: if your router is working with out any issues, it's recommended to keep the current version of FW that is loaded.IF IT WORKS, DON'T FIX IT!!!