D-Link Enterprise > DES-1210-Series

Remote management


We have multiple DES-1210-28 Series switches.
Some of our conected devices from time to time fail, they still draw power but they do not send/recieve any data ( ping fails)
We already have monitoring system that monitors ping and gives alert on failure, but ports still have to be disabled/enabled manually.

Devices are powerd from switch (PoE)

Disabling port ( i.e. switching device off/on) reboots the device and it works again.

Is there a way (api or some other management utility) in which we could manage /  automate port enabling / disabling ?

I recommend that you phone contact your regional D-Link support office and ask for help and information regarding this.
Link> Tech Support Contact Information
We find that phone contact has better immediate results over using email.


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