D-Link Wireless Adapters > DWA-192

DWA192 not connecting 2.4 or 5gz network and causing router to restart

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Good to test with your wifi hot spot. Proves that the adapters work with something else. Which leads me to think that the ISP modem maybe the problem.

I've never had confidence in ISP modem HW. Seen to many issues with WiFi in the past.

Can you find a local store or try online and find you a D-Link router that you can connect? Find a place with a refund policy. I would bridge the ISP modem, turn OFF ALL wifi radios on the modem and connect up a external router. You can even leave the modem in router mode and set up a external router as a wireless AP if you like:
Turning a router into an AP.
I do this all the time.

Would be great if you can test with something else. I bet you would see better behavior.
I just got this in a email from D-Link:

If you don't mind used or refurb'd: DIR-882


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