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Author Topic: New DGL-5500 Only Firmware Update Process!  (Read 10505 times)


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    • Router Troubleshooting
New DGL-5500 Only Firmware Update Process!
« on: June 26, 2014, 02:27:35 PM »

Ok, so please follow this for updating. Very important. Need about 20-30 minutes with out any devices being online.

1. Download the FW file using IE for FF. No Chrome!
Get it here:

Unpack the zip file to the desktop. There will be a .bin file here.

2. Turn off ALL devices including wired and wireless please accept for the one wired PC. Turn OFF the ISP Modem as well. Let it sit since you should have the file you need now. For users with many Wifi devices and with out having to turn them all off, review step 6.

3. Log into the router and do a factory reset under Maintenance/System/Factory Reset using IE or FF. Disable any security browser add-ons please temporarily. Wait for the router to reboot.

4. Log back into the router and go to Maintenance/System/Firmware Upgrade. Select the Browse button and navigate to the desktop where the.bin file is placed. Select it and then select Upload. Select Ok or Yes for any warning messages. Wait for the file to send and for the web page to count down and process.

5. Once router has processed the FW and rebooted, log into the router and do one more factory reset under Maintenance/System/Factory Reset. Now turn ON the ISP Modem as well.

6. You should see a initial router setup wizard appear in the browser. Please follow this and set up any PPPoE ISP information if you use bridged ISP DSL, SSID and PW for each wireless radio and allow the set up tests to complete and apply a Admin PW if you want. You can input a router admin PW later. I prefer to leave it blank until i'm finally done with any changes to the router. Once your done and you see one more reboot. (For users with many Wifi devices and with out having to turn them all off, use the default SSIDs and PW seen on the setup wizard here after the factory reset and skip setting up the custom SSIDs and PWs. This will prevent the wireless clients from connecting to allow the router to complete it's tests in step 7.)

7. Go do something for 15-20 minutes or so. Keep the same one wired PC connected with out any other devices connected please. At this point the router is doing some ISP speed testing of it's own to get some speed values to input in to Setup/StreamBoost section. Any device connections may cause interferences and inaccurate results to appear. The values maybe a bit lower that what your ISP speeds you pay for. This is ok at this point.

8. Keep checking the Setup/StreamBoost section in the browser during the 20 minute time frame if you want. When you see the DONE displayed next to Testing, you can now connect up the rest of the devices.

9. (Now set up the custom SSIDs and PWs for each wireless radio for the wireless devices here.) From here I recommend you Reserve IP addresses for each device under Setup/Networking. Save settings.
NOTE: For users having more than 25 devices, I recommend that users off load the reservations and convert the non priority, low bandwidth or low use devcies to Static IPs, devices like, printers, NAS, controllers, cell phones, Pads, wired APs or any PC that doesn't need a whole lot of bandwidth, router management or StreamBoost. Set ALL off those or as many of those devices to static. This will help in gain some Reservation space for those devices that need bandwidth and router management and SB. Set the Static IP devices out side of the DCHP pool range, thru .99 or .200 thru .254. Leaving the default DHCP pool range for Reservations.

10. Go to My Network/Priorities and find the device icons. You can now drag and drop the icon for each device to the top to make it have the higher priority. Drag and Drop icons where you see fit devices that need higher priority and lower.

11. Give a few hours or come back the next day and check the values of the speeds seen under Setup/StreamBoost as it takes some time for these values to be tested and it should reflect at ISP speeds you pay for. They should be near or at values for the ISP speeds now.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2014, 11:22:31 AM by FurryNutz »
Cable: 1Gb/50Mb>NetGear CM1200>DIR-882>HP 24pt Gb Switch. COVR-1202/2202/3902,DIR-2660/80,3xDGL-4500s,DIR-LX1870,857,835,827,815,890L,880L,868L,836L,810L,685,657,3x655s,645,628,601,DNR-202L,DNS-345,DCS-933L,936L,960L and 8000LH.