I think I found an issue regarding QoS and devices with "changed" IP addresses.
Example: Initially, upon setting up the 890L after the recent beta firmware update, I noticed my son's Xbox One was given an IP address of xxx.xxx.xxx.126. I changed the IP address to xxx.xxx.xxx.121 (Reserved). When in QoS, it still shows the initial IP address (xxx.xxx.xxx.126), and not the reserved IP address given to the Xbox One. I did check the Xbox One and it shows the IP address to be xxx.xxx.xxx.121 (AUTO IP / AUTO DNS).
I've performed a Reboot however, when in QoS it still displays the old IP address of the Xbox One (xxx.xxx.xxx.126), and fails to show the new IP address of the Xbox One.
Has anyone else had this issue? Is anyone able to duplicate this issues (maybe with another device / or Xbox One)?