@FurryNutz: Pls note this:
from https://www.dlink.com/en/security-bulletin/nas-ransomware
Model H/W Version Latest F/W Version Actions to take
DNS-320 Ax 2.06 Disable the Internet connection to NAS
In this page, dated 11/11/19, dlink declare that FW 2.06 is not secured against this vulnerability.
If dlink sent email to all his client instead publish a brief page on its site, my data won't be destroied..... I'm really unhqppy for this.
I'l try to call local support...
p.s. virus directory has 13/12/2019 as date creation, attach was 4 days later.
@GreenBay42: virus is on the disk and NAS load and execute it at boot. I've seen virus log increase under my eyes after reboot...

p.s. now I wil buy a new DNS, but SURE not a Dlink....