Of course. Sorry for the delay.
I've seen this "help me unbrick it" question too many times, so I'll try to help.
Please keep in mind that I sold my DNS-320 a long time ago, so this is the only way I can help you. Don't ask me anything, because I won't answer your questions.
Use the procedure at your own risk. If it worked for me it doesn't necessarily mean that it'll work for you.Here's how I've recovered my DNS-320 rev. A which I've bricked with an attempt to flash it with the original D-Link firmware that failed. At that time, I had Alt-F installed and I forgot to reset the device to factory settings before attempting to restore the official D-Link firmware.
1. Get the necessary hardware: buy a 3.3V USB-to-serial adapter (I bought mine from a Chinese website) and solder a header on the board or follow @tthsn/
Jamie Lentin's method:

2. Get the "helper" ready: if you have Linux installed, you're good to go; Windows users (like myself) have to install a Linux virtual machine. I used a Debian Wheezy installation with XFCE under VirtualBox, but other Linux flavor and VMWare Player probably will do. After installing the operating system, get dns323-firmware-tools (I used split323fw from
here). Also, get an Alt-F firmware (I used this one:
Alt-F-0.1RC4.1-DNS-320-rev-A1A2.bin) - inside the Linux machine, of course.
3. Split the firmware using split323fw and save the kernel and initrd:
splitdns323fw <path>/Alt-F-0.1RC4.1-DNS-320-rev-A1A2.bin -k <path>/uImage -i <path>/uInitrd.
4. Attach an USB stick to the virtual machine, format it using EXT2 and copy
uImage and
uInitrd on it, then disconnect it from the virtual machine and connect it to your DNS-320.
5. Jamie Lentin's guide (
this one!) to boot from the USB stick without replacing the firmware was absolutely essential. You don't have to follow it all; just run
printenv (to see the device's MAC -
ethaddr). The commands are the following:
setenv ethaddr xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
setenv bootargs console=ttyS0,115200 root=/dev/sda1 usb-storage.delay_use=0 rootdelay=1 rw
usb reset ; ext2load usb 0:1 0xa00000 /uImage ; ext2load usb 0:1 0xf00000 /uInitrd
bootm 0xa00000 0xf00000The device will reboot. After that, I was able to access the web administration interface and flash the NAS with its original firmware.
I tried using the original firmware from the beginning, but I think it doesn't split properly, because the device failed to
restart boot properly all the time.
Good luck