Hi again,
perhaps one additional remark concerning your 2nd hierarchy devices #1, #2 and #4:
If you use the WAN uplinks of these devices for connecting to your 1st hierarchy router DIR-657 (directly or via your switch device #3), this ends up with a NAT cascade which works with IPv4 but most probably not with IPv6!
As there is no NAT with IPv6, in a setup like this your devices must support features of the "
IPv6 Home Networking Architecture" which is under development only (see
Hence, the only way to include your 2nd hierarchy devices for use with IPv6 is to operate them as bridges by connecting a LAN port of any of those devices to a LAN port of your 1st hierarchy router DIR-657 (directly or via your switch device #3) - From what you said ("I have 4 access points/switches connected to the router ...") I guess this is what you have? If so
switch off IPv6 (and DHCPv4, as you already did) on those 2nd hierarchy devices - only use them as dumb switches/bridges. They only need a manually configured IPv4 address for management access out of the IPv4 range of your 1st hierarchy router DIR-657.