Sorry, left the country, I returned the 859, done with it.
It had the latest firmware (A03 I believe) and it was literally sitting there either doing nothing, or connected to one client that was surfing, not really downloading. The temperature readings were from the same spot where the 655 had been sitting on a shelf inside a cabinet with two different fans ventilating.
With the door closed, the ambient temperature is ~84F.
Wireless configuration was both 2.4 and 5GHz, WPA2 personal/AES. Everything on the network is configured exactly the same, which allows me to drop in devices whenever I need to move things around or test things.
If you want to go touch base with engineering, the case# is C6870698 but I have moved on, two bad ones in a row are a bad sign. Always used you guys for all of my networking, looking at other options now.