We were having a ton of these zero-byte files last year, and finally discovered that we had a cable shield intermittency that caused periods of low SNR on the cable (internet) signal. After fixing that, there were none for a long time. You may want to take a look at the cable modem signal-to-noise ratio, and the logs; also the router log, for any interruptions.
Recently, we've been getting these again; but it's been a long time since the firmware upgrade,
I don't think it's the firmware per se. We have 1-DCS-932L and 3-DCS-930L in use, set to ftp upon motion detection. All with latest firmware. I've tried both "passive" and "active settings" for ftp mode; no difference noted.
My stored-image viewing is done via web browser, using a php/html/javascript program that chokes on these things. So I modified the viewing script to find them, and move them to a holding folder for examination.
Here is a sample of a recent group, in this case only on the DCS-932L -
I do wish the ftp interchange was more robust!