Welcome!Unfortunately there isn't any advanced QoS settings on the Rev A. I presume D-Link made this model with intention for use in the average home and not a lot of gaming. I have this model as well. Good little router, just not good for gaming. Especially FPS or multi game console household.

I believe the 815 Rev B had Advanced QoS settings. However it was not marketed here in the USA. I think Canada and EU regions had it.
I recommend that you get into a DIR model series router that has advanced QoS settings as seen here:
DIR-645 XBL:
DIR-645/835/868L/865L/826L Gaming and QoS for XBLDIR-857 XBL:
DIR-857 Gaming and Gamefuel for XBLDGL-4500 XBL:
DGL-4500 Gaming and Gamefuel for XBLDGL/DIR XBL:
Gaming and QoS for XBLThe models listed in these FAQs are but a few that D-Link has that supports Advanced features. the DIR-655 Rev A thru C is one of them. So is the DIR-825. These are older model routers however may work for you.
What your ISP Speeds UP and Down?
DIR series models that don't support advanced QoS settings: DIR-600, 601, some 615s, 815 Rev A, 600L and 605L I think. Most of the lower numbered model routers are low end entry level routers for home users. Start with anything 62x and 82x and above for advanced QoS features.