Only other issue maybe the FW version your using. I remember v1.21 having some issues on wireless.
Since then on mine, I have v1.23 and has been and is the most stable. I have never seen any drop issues with my 4500 and Ive had it working to it limits. I'll admit i've never used WISH though. 
Well, I guess it's back to my old Netgear, but, before I changed it, this is what happened 7 times in 1 hour, and being that there's no way of adding attachment images to this post, I have to use my dropbox, and after I changed the router I was able to post this reply here in this forum, sooo, this is the link to a screenshot I took of the LAN drop out, refusing connection to the router's login page:- be able to have connection again and to outside the LAN, I have to hard restart the router,,, which I shouldn't do.
I contacted a Cisco professional, and he told me of a setting that is present in all modern routers no matter if they are Netgear, Dlink, Cisco, Linksys or any other, and that setting is enabled by default in most of them, there are some routers where that setting is disabled, and is the most dangerous setting that the router companies every created, and that is for uPnP, 'allow users to disable internet access' and according to his explanation "Allow Users to Disable Internet Access – This option allows the user to prohibit any connections. Leave at default (Enabled) if you want to be able to prohibit any and all Internet connections, which also includes the routers admin page.", he said most people take the default settings for granted, and not bother looking elsewhere, and only configuring the WiFi security and the admin password, other than that, most users just use the router as is, but that uPnP setting should never have been allowed, who in their right mind would allow 'ANY' user to disable internet connections? So, I disabled every setting in the uPnP section, including uPnP, and I'm hoping this has fixed the dropping out, if not, then it's definitely back to the Netgear, but so far, the router has been running over night and no drop outs yet.