v1.12 B05Drag and Drop icon in Priorities were added. Thank you D-Link.

Over a 4 hour period after loading code and doing a factory reset. I notice that SB's behavior is testing out several external speed testing sites to gain a good overall calculation for ISP speeds and then will automatically update the SB and ABE settings. After my initial test with in 15 minutes, the SB speeds were a bit lower than expected. (40/2.) After leaving the router alone for a while and after playing about an hours worth of Xbox, I came back about 4 hours later and reviewed the router settings. I notice that my full ISP speeds UP and Down had been updated, 50/3 for my ISP. I checked again this morning remotely from work at about 12 hours later and the full ISP speeds are still set in SB and ABE.

Looking good here.

I confirmed this is new behavior for SB with D-Link and I recommend that users give some time to let the SB fully do it's testing and complete with out any major connections going on before resuming normal router and client side operations. Let the router test and gain accurate tests results and settle in. After mine completed and settled in, router is working well at this time for me. SB is dynamically testing sites for speed tests now to gain the best or overall speeds for the router to use.