Pretty much done testing!
I moved the DIR-827 onto my desk and put it on my laptop chiller using the USB port on the back of the DIR-827 instead of the fan. Even the kids asked "did you find out what was wrong with the network" because it has not died in days!
Everything is enabled! WiFi, you name it, as long as I have a fan on this thing it works great! Turn the chiller off and within a few hours, CRASHOLA. One thing I noticed before I moved it, I noticed I had gained about 5-6 db more signal strength on the WiFi using my laptop with Inssider. Turn the fan off, the signal strength would slowly drop. The laptop can't move! I think the DIR-827 WiFi was reducing power as it heated up.
Too bad! Now I want my DIR-825 BACK, that thing was rock solid!
I looked at buying an aluminum box to put this thing in and heat sink it properly, project boxes are 30 bucks now days, I guess aluminum is now a precious metal!
I have done enough to convince myself that this DIR-827 has a heat issue, it was in the mid 40F's here today. If it makes it through this summer, fine, if not, E-waste. I looked to see if D-link had a repair service, it's called "buy a new one". We don't even turn the AC on here until it gets past 90F and that is mostly because of the animals. It probably got damaged by heat here last Summer and being at that time I had 2ea 2.4ghz high power networks, one for high speed("N" short GI) and one for the B&G only, I never noticed until I gave one of my high power routers away to a friend and switched to 5Ghz. The high power routers were always 10-20 feet away from the DIR-827, if a little 1 watt AP damaged the DIR-827, it had problems to begin with. The usual MAX signal strength in my office is -25Dbm on 2.4Ghz and drops quickly as you move away.
Oh well, another one bites the dust.......
I might try putting small fans on it but considering the temps here in the summer, there is not enough temperature headroom for that, maybe only as a router.