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Author Topic: Embed DCS-910 Video into My Web Page  (Read 47752 times)


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Embed DCS-910 Video into My Web Page
« on: September 28, 2009, 04:57:44 AM »

Hi all!

I'm trying to embed the streaming video from my IP camera (DCS-910) into a custom web page.
Note that I can access the camera's default "dlink" page over the internet without a problem - I'd just prefer to embed the video itself into a custom web page.

Note that I'm using a hosting site that is Windows OS (not Linix).

I'd really appreciate help from someone that's been able to do this themselves using the same camera model.

Thanks in advance!

« Last Edit: September 28, 2009, 11:12:34 AM by davem »


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Re: Embed DCS-910 Video into My Web Page
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2009, 04:06:47 PM »

Anyone have any suggestions?  I've tried to use: http://someurl.com/video.cgi  but it just tries to save the file.

Any examples, please???





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Re: Embed DCS-910 Video into My Web Page
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2009, 04:20:52 PM »

Pls go to http://support.dlink.com/faq/view.asp?prod_id=1283
It shd be able to help you out! ;)


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Re: Embed DCS-910 Video into My Web Page
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2009, 09:54:49 AM »


 Thanks for the info.  I've tried that but can't get it to work.  I'm not certain if it's because my web-site hosting is Windows based (instead of *nix).  I'm not able to find an "xplug.class" anywhere.

 I'm certain that others have been able to do this successfully and I'm having no luck implementing this myself.  Seems like a common issue and the solutions don't seem to be very easy to find.  It would be a very nice thing to include as a sticky item in the forum because it is so common.





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Re: Embed DCS-910 Video into My Web Page
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2009, 10:41:25 AM »

If I'm right, this problem comes when you want view your camera with a Java Applet.

1st, Pls ensure Sun Java Plug-in has been installed on yr machine properly.
2nd, Enable the plug-in for your browser in the 'Browser' tab of the 'Java Plug-In' control panel.

*Pls use only IE browswer.


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Re: Embed DCS-910 Video into My Web Page
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2009, 03:56:19 AM »

Hmm.... Keep getting error about the xplug.class file not being found, etc.  Starting to wonder if this camera really even works in the scenario..




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Re: Embed DCS-910 Video into My Web Page
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2009, 04:25:26 AM »

Still no luck with this...

Can anyone provide some additional suggestions with this?

I'm simply trying to embed a link to the video for the camera from a web site (which is hosted on a windows platform).

When attempting to use the xplug.class file (which I've uploaded to the site), I get a "class not found exception".

I'm certain that someone has navigated this minefield before and would appreciate some suggestions.




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Re: Embed DCS-910 Video into My Web Page
« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2009, 09:35:09 AM »

You can't link directly to the video.  You need to create a new web page with the Java video applet.  Since you can view the D-Link video page all you need to do is go to the D-Link Java video page for your camera (preferably from a public ip address), view the html source for the page, copy the source and save it to a new html file, and remove all the extra interface junk you don't want in the html code.  Just make sure the CODEBASE parameter in the APPLET tag is set to the public ip address (or dynamic dns domain) and port of the camera because you want it to load xplug.class from the camera.

Here's the stripped down code from a DCS-920 (the wireless version of the DCS-910) with just the video applet.  Should be the same as the DCS-910, but you can compare it to your camera's html/javascript code if it doesn't work.

You need to replace the IP address of the camera in the code below ( with the public ip address and port of your camera.  If you have a dynamic dns name you can use that instead of the public ip address.

Code: [Select]
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache">
    <APPLET name="cvcs" CODEBASE="" CODE="xplug.class" WIDTH=640 HEIGHT=480>
    <param name="RemotePort" value=80>
    <param name="Timeout" value=5000>
    <param name="RotateAngle" value=0>
    <param name="PreviewFrameRate" value=2>
    <param name="DeviceSerialNo" value="">


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Re: Embed DCS-910 Video into My Web Page
« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2009, 05:55:59 AM »

That did the trick!  Thanks so much.

The thing that I had wrong in my testing was the IP address for CODEBASE.  Now I understand that it must point to the public IP address of the camera.   

Thanks again!



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Re: Embed DCS-910 Video into My Web Page
« Reply #9 on: December 09, 2009, 01:47:23 PM »

I am also having difficulty embedding the live video into a custom web page.  Using the above code with the proper IP works great, but I can't change the size of the video.  Adjusting the Width/Height only changes the display area.  If I adjust the size in the settings on the camera's page it changes the video on the custom page as well.  I would like to prevent the size from changing on my custom page.  Is there anyway to do this?


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Re: Embed DCS-910 Video into My Web Page
« Reply #10 on: December 11, 2009, 10:44:26 AM »

I hope you intend for the video to be publicly viewable, but as far as I can tell there is no way to secure the live video feed with the camera.

See my related thread that has not received a response. I have also not received any response from my phone calls to support.


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Re: Embed DCS-910 Video into My Web Page
« Reply #11 on: December 13, 2009, 06:43:59 AM »

Luckily, I don't have a problem with security, since the camera and page are on an internal network and nobody outside the firewall has access to the device.  Right now our page has the jpg file refreshing every few seconds, but we'd like to have the live feed instead of still images.  Again, we can get the live video to work, but the size is still controlled by the camera.  We've tried moving xplug.class to our server and directing it to look there, but xplug.class calls other files from the camera (I think) and we can't seem to locate them.


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Re: Embed DCS-910 Video into My Web Page
« Reply #12 on: December 25, 2009, 06:14:29 PM »

As far as I can tell, the video stream only has three resolution options:

Resolution - 3 settings are available.
1.QQVGA @ 160x120 - Usually used for display on handheld devices.
2.QVGA @ 320x240 - Standard resolution for mobile phones, and PDAs
3.VGA @ 640x480 - Standard resolution for computer display.

You can choose one of these three by going to http://MYCAMERA/Video.htm or choosing the Video link on the Setup page.

This does not seem to be customizable any further.


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Re: Embed DCS-910 Video into My Web Page
« Reply #13 on: December 25, 2009, 06:30:49 PM »

You might try using the underlying MJPEG stream instead of the java class. You can view the stream by going to http://MYCAMERA/mjpeg.cgi
This works in Chrome, but not IE.

Here are some related links with information:

You can also just Google "mjpeg viewer" or "mjpeg applet" to get some more ideas.

If you are using Chrome, you can display your video simply by showing the MJPEG.CGI stream as a video.
      <img src="http://MYCAMERA/mjpeg.cgi" width=1200>

This only works on HTML5 browsers, such as Chrome, and possibly only Chrome Beta or Developer.

good luck.