I would try phone support as you'll get more immediate results.
Love the camera, despise the setup procedure as it fails to work 50% of the time.
Manual setup instructions for the non-lobotomized:
- Power on camera
- Wait for orange blinking light
- Connect laptop to wifi name printed on the the instruction card
- Login using the wifi password also printed on the card
- Open web browser
- Navigate to
- Login to camera
- Username admin
- Password <blank>
- Configure camera using web interface
- Connect to wifi network of your choice without having to rely upon MyDlink applet discovery, which seems to fail regularly
These instructions should be included with the camera, I shouldn't have to figure them out for myself.
Hope this helps somebody else.
BadMojo, Great feedback and insight even though it is almost a year later but I just recently got the 2630L.
Is there any possibility of getting from Dlink the ability to access the cam as the one I received had the Quick Install Card missing and the label under the cam removed so I attempted to do the connection via WPS with my router and eventually got it to connect. However, when I try to sign on it forces me to enter the password in the Q-Card and I dont have a way of entering the cam password to connect to it since this info is missing.
I sent Dlink an email to the support team and still waiting but thought let me try another avenue while waiting for their response.
Hope there is a way otherwise IMF...

Best regards,