Need some help on this one and can't figure out if I have a setting wrong or if its something else. It seems like my DAP-1522 "times out" (for a lack of better words) on occasion. I have to either unplug it and plug it back in for Network Magic to show it as "online" or I have to sign into my Playstation account via my PS3. Here's what I have setup:
DGL-4500 with desktop PC hooked up to it (office), Network Magic and Zone Alarm Pro installed
DAP-1522 wireless bridge mode (family room) with Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, and Directv hooked up to it.
It stays on most of the time but like I mentioned earlier, if I try to connect to Xbox Live or download something on demand with Directv (with Network Magic showing DAP-1522 as offline), no dice. I then have to turn on my PS3 and sign in, everything works fine (I can then get into Xbox Live and download with my Directv receiver with no problem).
Is there something in need to adjust in my router settings (shows for the IP address under the Status>Wireless tab when its connected), Network Magic, or Zone Alarm Pro? Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you