Hi all,
By the way, some of the URL also works on DCS800L, even if this device doesn't provide plain setup page.
The username is always
admin and PASSWORD the one you've entered for your cam. IPADDRESS, well, is the IP of your cam

Port 80 (default for HTTP connections) and 443 (default for HTTPS connections) are opened, default means no use to quote them in the URL. Embedded HTTPS protocol in the cam is clearly outdated and will throw a security error when used with modern browsers.
After some testings, these url's seem to work :
For video stream : http://admin:PASSWORD@IPADDRESS/video.cgi
For audio stream : http://admin:PASSWORD@IPADDRESS/audio.cgi - Alas, I'm experiencing some weird freeze in the stream (cutting with no reason at 44s in VLC and 264s when embedded in an HTML5 audio element). I'm digging this one.
Hope it may help someone cause I've hardly find some specific informations for DCS800L.