I’m having problems with re-charging the battery. ... more exactly, keeping the charge, or indicating charge state, or voltage level...!
After leaving the phone off, while in charge-mode, and finally seeing the GREEN light indicating CHARGE DONE, when I power-up the phone, the Battery indicator says 74% full, and I have to let it charge while ON, for another 15 to 20 minutes for it to go all the way to 100% full. (calibrated)
Then, after several minutes in idle, not talking, the battery indicator starts to drop in large increments … to 85% then lower quickly, to 74%, and and again lower, while it’s still in idle mode, staying for a while at 58%, then quick drop to 34% and works for a while longer like that, then drops to 22% then 15%, then 5%, and I get the music the battery is LOW. All this within several minutes (30 to 40 minutes in all) The phone will continue to operate like this for about 40 minutes, or so, longer, all the time the music of LOW BATTERY plays during operation, until at 2% it shuts the phone down.
I took the battery out and measured it (the two outer pins of the 4) and it shows 3.76v, at this 2% level. When it was fully charged, it showed 3.85v, so I'm wondering if the phone is charging it when it's not needing a charge!?! If the batteries sent to me as replacements were good, maybe the phone is killing them, overcharging it, and overheating it inside.
D-link keeps saying the battery is bad, and sent me two(2) replacements already, within a 9 month time-frame, but I still have this problem, including the original that came with the phone when purchased last year (October 2008) … for a total of three(3) batteries doing this.
I was going to send it back to them, but now decided not to, seeing all the problems others are having with the indicator not even working at all, staying at 100% until the phone cut-off, .. :-/ .. and some saying their mic wasn't working, or other problems mentioned in reviews on the Internet, and I was afraid I'd get a replacement worse than the one being sent back. D-Link doesn't fix the one sent, they replace it.
Other than the battery charge issues, the phone worked well and gave good sound quality, and I was happy with it. This problem didn't show right after getting the new battery replacement. It would take several weeks to several months to show, and I didn't use the phone for all that time. Maybe a total of 5 weeks out of the 3 to 4 month it took for the problem to show again, so it's not like I gave the batteries heavy usage at all... it was mostly in idle mode most of the time it was used, and OFF totally all the rest of the time.
Now I hear, from online reviews, D-Link didn’t actually make the phone, it was made OEM for them by an Asian Engineering Company. No wonder the Engineers there couldn’t tell me what battery charging chip was in there and if it’s faulty. … WOW!! … hey D-Link, don’t you make your OWN products anymore?
I think the battery charging chip, that also has the battery monitor, may be the problem, or an associated part attached to it, not giving the OS inside the phone proper info of charge level, or the Firmware may need updating, if it's not reading the signals from that chip properly.
It's very frustrating. The phone is now discontinued by many retail stores, both online and on the street, and I'm assuming D-Link will no longer update the Firmware. Additionally, the batteries aren't available anywhere other than from D-Link, and the last battery replacement sent to me had to be taken from a phone they had on their shelves, and not separate stock.
This has all been a waste of money and time for me, not to mention stressful being unable to fully use my SIP service as needed.
One additional note: I also tried fully discharging the battery several times, as per request of TECH support, but it didn't help, and may have made it worse, making the indicator drop faster and more often.
anyone else with this battery issue?
any thoughts on what to do?