I made some extensive tests, using a native IPv6 connection ( Global Unicast Address ), testing with both :
. Wan static GUA address
. Wan link-local connection to the Internet Gateway
I always get the same results. Here is the network topology :
PC1-----| PC3-----|
PC1 is on LAN1, PC2 is on LAN2, I test the Internet IPv6 access
PC3 is used to try to pass through the DIR818LW Wan firewall ( Firewall Wan-Lan leak test )
Here are the results :
[ Test : Lan 1 IPv6 Internet / Lan 2 IPv6 Internet / Firewall Wan->Lan leak test ]
only IPv6 Simple Security : OK / OK / not tested
IPv6 Simple Security : OK / NO / no security
IPv6 Simple Security+Allow OUT : NO / NO / NA
Allow Out : NO / NO / NA
IPv6 Simple Security+Deny IN : OK / NO / no security
Deny IN : OK / OK / no security
Here are the conclusions in understandable english language :
. with IPv6 Simple Security, PC2 can't access the Internet
. The IPv6 Firewall Wan-->Lan protection is never functionning
. The IPv6 firewall Allow mode is never functionning
. The only way to allow PC2 internet access is by disabling IPv6SS, and using firewall deny mode, deny everything insome explainations abou the tests performed :
Only IPv6 Simple Security = no Ingress Filtering, no spoof check
IPv6 Simple Security = IPv6 Simple Security + Ingress Filtering + spoof check
IPv6 Simple Security+Allow OUT = IPv6 SS+FIrewall ON and allow mode+allow everything out rule
IPv6 Simple Security+Deny IN = IPv6 SS+FIrewall ON and deny mode+deny everything in rule
the catch all rule was made using :
protocol : ANY / 1-65535
What is really worrisome is that the IPv6 firewall is NEVER functionning. each Zenmap penetration test managed to have all its 2003 packets through the Wan firewall ...
Beside, the DHCPv6 doesn't seem to function ( as well as the DHCPv6 part of the SLAAC+Stateless DHCPv6 mode : no DNS received )
Can anybody confirm these strange results ?