Hi to all! First i want to say thank you to all community for such beautiful solution of this problem! I found this topic and decided to try to add the capacitor into my old DCS-930 (not L). And it works! No more horisontal blue lines! I used 1000uF 6.3V taken from dead motherboard. I was make a photo of board (sorry for quality, the photo has been taken using my cellphone). C39 is NOT short-circuited, its only looks like (bad viewing angle).
Here's the photo of board:

What was before modification:

And what become after:

The DCS-930 is the predecessor to the DCS-930L and was discontinued. Two separate models.
No, they are the same. I was able to flash DCS-930 with firmware for DCS-930L, and camera works! I was able to do this using Firmware Restoration page, and i did this because ATM the most freshest firmware for DCS-930 is 1.03 and the most freshest firmware for DCS-930L is 1.06 that much more stable and works better to me.