Slow device connect and Internet access with 2680 in LAN to LAN AP mode:
Setting up for the LAN IP address.
Disabling DHCP Server, uPnP, both multi cast streams, Smart Connect, 2.4Ghz radio.
Enabling DNS Relay, 5Ghz radio only, manual channels (161), Mixed A/N/AC, Power Low or High.
Use a different temp ssid name on the 2680 so to be sure devices were connecting to the 2680's wifi.
Main Host router> passing thru 3 LAN switches.1 DGS-1100 and two HP 1400 series non managed switches><DIR-2680 in LAN to LAN AP mode.
2nd test was with main host router directly to the DIR-2680.
I'm seeing wireless devices take a long time to connect to the 2680 in AP mode. Eventually they set both IP and DNS addresses from the main host router. However, after they get addressing, I get no Internet traffic for about 4-5 minutes, then traffic suddenly seems to work.
I saw this same thing happen when at a 2nd location in AP mode. I Thought I forgot something, however mine had been working here. So after the update today, reset, load FW, reset and setup from scratch in AP mode, I'm seeing this odd behavior of slow connecting of devices and no Internet access for several minutes after connected, then eventually, I get access. I see this when using installed app on Mac Book Pro 2008, iPhone 6sP and Galaxy Tab S2 and WIndows 7x64 (DWA-180). The after getting connected, the app is trying to find the best server and doesn't until
4 or 5 minutes have pasted then the app finally gets a server to test.
If I connect a wired connection to the back of the 2680 in AP mode, I get immediate Internet access.
This seem to be the only router that does this. I've configured many other routers in AP mode and have had no issues like this.
Otherwise, the 2680 works in AP mode for the most part. Just give it about 5-10 minutes and you'll be fine, only in this configuration.