Ok, 5500 back online. Apparently v1.13 B04 doesn't like a saved config from v1.13 B02. I loaded FW and then loaded the saved config file to see if I could by pass setting up from scratch. I could not gain access to the routers web page at all. Router status seemed fine. Power and Internet globes were all green. Just no access to UI. So I factory reset and set up from scratch.

Left it alone and went to dinner. Came back later and SB and ABE completed it's test. The down was about 4Mb from spec. Up was spot on. I set up the IPs and such. Set up the 360 and set it as a priority 1. I gamed for a few hours last nite. Gaming was good.
My DIR-865L and 868L are bridged to the 5Ghz radio and working well from where they are placed at so far. Only other issue i had was reserving the specific IP address I normally use for my Mac Book Pro wireless. I saved the setting and reset the adapter on the Mac to clear out the previously assigned IP address, then it would try to connect and say theres a conflict for the IP address. So I picked a different address. The wired connection saved just fine for what I picked for it. I noticed there was two listing for the Mac Book Pro, one MAC was the wireless and the other listing was for the same item however the MAC address was all zeros.

Other than the saved config file from previous verion and the one conflict in IP address, router seems to be running well. I'll check out the last known bugs listed.