Why doesn't d-link leave well enough alone, and "if it isn't broken don't fix it" ? My d-link app was working fine for over a year.
BUT two weeks ago the Play Store had this new Android d-link app "upgrade" (V 3.3.0). It now has three annoying problems:
• 1. There is no more auto rotate. The image will not go landscape. It stays in portrait and smaller than the old full landscape view. It cannot fill the screen.
• 2. When launching the app there's a flag each and every time which reads "No wireless connection. To connect to your local cameras, you should turn on your phones Wi-Fi setting".
This silly flag appears and one has to press "okay". Geeeez. I don't need Wi-fi as I have 4G.
• 3. There are multiple unidentified/unlabeled faint turquoise arcs. These are actually functions. At least they could have been identified by some tags, like "res" "cam" or "mic".
** Anyone know how to correct these three problems ?

How may I go back to the earlier version (3.2.4) of my d-link lite ?
Is there another App/Viewer, paid or free, which doesn't have these my d-link lite problems ?JUST SAW THESE COMMENTS IN ANDROID PLAY STORE:
"App no longer keeps the screen from turning off. App no longer goes full screen by turning phone sideways. App uses a lot of bandwidth now- used to be around 100 kbps now around 400 kbps."
"Horrible update"
"New update stinks. Do NOT update." (Stay with 3.2.4)
So far, d-link has not messed up the iPad app.